Alumni Database
We need your help! We are looking to reconnect with alumni. Please consider taking a few seconds to fill out this web form.
We'll keep you updated on our racing schedule, events like our end-of-season banquet and alumni gatherings, and make sure you are on the mailing list to receive our newsletters. We're happy to help you get in touch with fellow alumni, and would love to hear stories or memories from your time with the team.
Thank you for your time and your continued support!
Alumni List
This is an incomplete list of Michigan Tech Rowing alumni. If you do not see your name on the list PLEASE fill out the contact info web-form above. If you know of other alumni and do not see their names on this list please forward them a link to the website and have them fill out the form linked above! If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to our Tech Lead, Bethany Brown, at
best memories
“Gaining the freshmen 15 but having it be all muscle.”
“Team karaoke on the eve of the 2019 Season De Pere Regatta”
“All of the regatta trips, whether to Lansing, Green Bay, or Minneapolis.”
favorite seat?
mtu rowing graduated crew:
Dylan Tribby (‘00)
Angela Hammond (‘02)
Andrew Gross (‘04)
Shannon Pedit (‘05)
Mike Woudenberg (‘05)
Rob Green (‘06)
Joel Hansen (‘06)
Torrey Horness ('06)
Paul Nelson ('06)
Tim Sturtz ('06)
Adam Thielsen ('06)
Catie (Rogers) VanWormer ('06)
Ken Wheeler ('06)
Tim Wong ('06)
Molly Bush ('07)
Cody Rubio ('07)
Jason Kneibel ('08)
Josh Mclean ('08)
John Barszcz ('09)
Matt Bordson ('09)
Nora (Peterson) Korth ('09)
Mike LeCureaux ('09)
Brett Rosso ('09)
Kiersten (Schierbeek) Tumberg ('09)
Scott Docsa ('10)
Stuart Mitkey ('10)
Derek Riley ('10)
Nick Sevigny ('10)
Nate Warner (‘10)
Nick Shimondle ('10)
Aaron Tetzloff ('10)
Bria Kask ('12)
Ben Cottrill ('13)
Peter Enz (‘13)
Christopher Fongers ('13)
Joe Haefner ('13)
Jaron Jablonski ('13)
Zachary Johnson ('13)
Andrew Troyanowski ('13)
Matt Wong (‘13/’14)
Breanna Cornell ('14)
Alexandra (Kitchen) Jensen ('14)
Parry Ragland ('15)
Tyler Budd (‘23)