Erg-A-Thon 2023

MTU Rowing Club making use of equipment during a Sept. 2022 morning practice.

Michigan Tech Rowing’s Erg-a-Thon fundraiser has finished! In the end, MTU Rowing was able to row a total of 1,327,327 meters. That’s about the same distance from Houghton, MI to New York, NY!

During the Erg-A-Thon, team erg-ing sessions were held daily in the Rowing Studio to encourage rowers to get their meters in. On Friday, we held an Erg Movie Night and watched ‘Cars’ while we rowed. The next day, we rowed to play our 15k Golf Game, created by our own treasurer, Evan Cronk.

Team members erg-ing together while watching ‘Cars’. Photo courtesy of Emily Taylor.

In the end, we did not reach our initial goal of 1,442 kilometers. We had the misfortune of a couple of star rowers being out due to injury, which made it challenging for the remainder of the team to make up for the absences. However, nearly every participating rower was able to exceed their meter goal! Michigan Tech Rowing values individual success, so we are very, very proud of our rowers who managed to exceed their goals. See below the total kilometers each participant was able to row within the past week, for a team total of just over 1,327 km. With that, we would like to define this fundraiser as a great success in terms of athletic effort and commitment to excellence.

In terms of fundraising, MTU Rowing would like to thank all of our sponsors for being so incredibly generous with their gifts. Our original goal of $1000 was surpassed very quickly and served as awesome motivation for our rowers to reach their goals. We look forward to the replacements and upgrades of our equipment that this fundraiser has provided us. With this kind of support, we are able to improve the competitive nature of the club and make rowing more accessible to our community. Row on!

Jayden CHow

Years Rowing: 1

Meters Goal: 120 km

Meters Rowed: 120 km

Why he joined rowing: “I joined rowing because I wanted to participate in a new sport. The 5:30 morning practices aren't the most fun, but the people on the team make it enjoyable”

Raina Ciecko

Years Rowing: 2

Meters Goal: 80 km

Meters Rowed: 92 km

Why she joined rowing: “I wanted to be involved and active in college, and have always wanted to learn more about the sport.”

Evan Cronk

Years Rowing: 2

Meters Goal: 100 km

Colin Donnelly

Years Rowing: 2

Meters Goal: 100 km

Why he rows: “I joined because it looked fun and I stay because it's challenging and the team is full of amazing people.” 

Michalena hamrick

Years Rowing: 1

Meters Goal: 60 km

Meters Rowed: 91 km

Why she joined rowing: “It was something new and looked physically challenging which is fun for me. The people seemed super nice so I tried it out and really enjoyed the workout and traveling with a super fun group of people!”

Jacob Heeringa

Years Rowing: 1

Meters Goal: 200 km

Meters Rowed: 200 km

Why he rows: “The team kind of just adopted me during orientation week and I stuck with it because it’s a lot of fun and it lets me focus on something other than homework in the mornings.”

Fun fact: “I have both of my arms now!” 

Hayden Huckins

Years Rowing: 2

Meters Goal: 60 km

Meters Rowed: 60 km

Why he rows: “I gave rowing a shot because I was bored during orientation week and it sounded interesting, and I've stuck with it because the teammates are fun, it's challenging, and rewarding, and it's a great way to get in shape.”

Rachel Kinnamon

Years Rowing: 1

Meters Goal: 60 km

Meters Rowed: 80 km

Jordan Lee

Years Rowing: 2

Meters Goal: 150 km

Meters Rowed: 151 km

Why he joined rowing: “I am a very competitive person, and when I came to college I didn't have anything I was competing in.  I met a few members in 2020 and became good friends with them.  Now I'm the club's co-president.”

Quote from Jordan: “I am why we row.”

Nathan Mertens

Years Rowing: 1

Meters Goal: 200 km

Meters Rowed: 202 km

Fiona Olson

Years Rowing: 5

Meters Goal: 72 km

Meters Rowed: 72 km

Why she rows: “I row because it’s hard, though it is in a good way.”

Brian Reeves

Years Rowing: “I have rowed for four years, and this past season was my last for MTU.”

Meters Goal: 100 km

Meters Rowed: 72 km

Why he rows: “I joined rowing because a friend freshman year suggested it, I keep rowing because I love the challenge and the people I do it with.”

Fun fact:I am both a coxswain and a rower.”

Abi Ruthenberg

Years Rowing: 2

Meters Goal: 80 km

Meters Rowed: 80 km

Why she rows:  “I wanted to become more active in college, and have always been interested in rowing! I really enjoy the team aspect, and it's a challenging but very rewarding sport.”

Fun fact: “I'm the secretary!”

Emily Taylor

Years Rowing: 1

Meters Goal: 60 km

Meters Rowed: 63 km

Why she joined rowing: “After reading ‘Boys in the Boat’ in middle school, I always wanted to row. When I came to Tech, I was looking for a great group of people who shared my competitive and active drive, so I joined rowing!”

Fun fact: “I do the website :)”