Novice Women’s 4+, Head of the Grand 2023

Recurring Donations

Sustainable income for the club we can use to secure long-term investments for the longevity of the club, such as boat repairs, oar replacements, and new boats to support our sustained membership growth. The ability to accommodate more rowers in a manner where adequate coaching, materials, and opportunity are unrestricted by finances is our primary goal.

goals of recurring donations

Equipment Purchases

To ensure annual funding for equipment regarding safety, maintenance, and club growth. Having the ability to maintain our fleet allows us to continue representing across the Midwest. Greater access to financial resources can allow the club to expand more sustainably.

Promoting the Sport of Rowing by Supporting Increased Membership

Being able to support a larger club without sacrificing accessibility. Allowing us to keep membership affordable while accounting for the necessary increase in resources.

Increased Community Involvement and Outreach

Having enough resources to host and attend events in the Midwest rowing community. Connecting with alumni, community members, and other clubs, achieving our mission to promote the sport of rowing through community.