Erg-A-Thon - donation form
As we get further into the off-season, our team is already working to hit the water strongly next season. We strive to reach our competitive goals by attending regattas and participating in events with other clubs in order to stay connected to the rowing community. This year we have been focusing on local outreach and involvement by hosting and attending scrimmages with other U.P. and midwestern clubs. We have been supporting our goals by reaching out to the local community and giving back to the people who support us. Our team members are showing effort and dedication to connect our team goals with our community by participating in this fundraiser and pledging meters.
In order to foster growth and competitiveness, replacing and upgrading our equipment is essential. We need to ensure we have the facilities to care for the equipment we have, and also make sure we have the funds to replace equipment when needed to make the sport of rowing accessible at Michigan Tech.
Please consider making a 2024 Erg-A-Thon Donation to MTU Rowing!
An inexhaustive list of items that Erg-A-Thon donations will go towards:
A new 4+ boat
Rowing Shoes
Large Cox Survival Suit
Seat Tracks
GPS Coxbox
Coach Boat
erg-a-thon timeline: March 17-March 23
If you wish to make a flat donation right away, click HERE for donation instructions!
Donation Form - Submissions accepted now until march 23rd
For any questions or clarifications, please do not hesitate to email Avis Schapman (Head of Fundraising) at or Elise Buzzell (Tech Lead) at